identity verification

Intellicheck: Retail May Be Pressured, but Identity Fraud ‘Isn’t Going Away’
Intellicheck: Retail May Be Pressured, but Identity Fraud ‘Isn’t Going Away’
August 08, 2024  |  Earnings

For Intellicheck, the hallmarks of the second quarter are that retail verticals and customers are pressured — but diversification efforts are paying off, and will...

Socure Debuts Selfie Reverification to Root Out Deepfakes
Socure Debuts Selfie Reverification to Root Out Deepfakes
August 08, 2024  |  Identity

ID verification firm Socure has introduced a new way for businesses to validate return customers. Selfie Reverification, announced Thursday (Aug. 8), can validate customers online...

Axiad Raises $25 Million to Bolster ID Verification Offerings
Axiad Raises $25 Million to Bolster ID Verification Offerings
August 04, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

Identity security firm Axiad has raised $25 million in a new funding round. The financing, announced last week, will be used for product development, hiring,...

Velera Debuts ID Verification Tool for Credit Union Members
Velera Debuts ID Verification Tool for Credit Union Members
August 01, 2024  |  Identity

Credit union service organization Velera has introduced an identity security/authentication tool. IDCheck by Co-op, announced Thursday (Aug. 1), is available to members of the Co-op...

Prove Debuts Self-Service ID Verification Platform
Prove Debuts Self-Service ID Verification Platform
July 16, 2024  |  Identity

Prove has introduced tools to help customers integrate its identity verification technology into their operations. The company on Tuesday (July 16) announced its developer self-service...

Skipify’s Shrauger on Moving Past Wallets to Digital Identity as Payment Credentials
Skipify’s Shrauger on Moving Past Wallets to Digital Identity as Payment Credentials
July 15, 2024  |  Payments Innovation

Consumers want what they want, how they want it. Consequently, when it comes to payments and commerce, businesses that can adapt to their needs and...

Markaaz CEO Says New Take on Data Helps Banks Close Small Business Identity Gap
Markaaz CEO Says New Take on Data Helps Banks Close Small Business Identity Gap
July 11, 2024  |  Authentication

How do you really know a business? The credit score can be misleading, especially for a small business that has weathered the pandemic. A profit...

OCC Head: ‘Tried-and-True Scams’ Remain Common in Financial Fraud
OCC Head: ‘Tried-and-True Scams’ Remain Common in Financial Fraud
July 10, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

Banks can help combat fraud targeting consumers by verifying the accuracy of transactions, educating the public, and maintaining strong controls and fraud monitoring capabilities, Acting...

Knowledge Is Power When It Comes to B2B Buyer-Supplier Dynamics
Knowledge Is Power When It Comes to B2B Buyer-Supplier Dynamics
July 10, 2024  |  B2B Payments

As the B2B landscape embraces digitization, traditional buyer-supplier dynamics are undergoing a sea of change. With news Monday (July 8) that business identity platform Niva...